Evolution (Dominance) of Social media !

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Social Media , 

Lets break it,
Social media= Social + Media
  • Social: Group of peoples 
  • Media: Communication tools (Radio,Tv, newspaper,internet, magazines)
 Back in those days peoples share their messages in person and later developed letters , drum beatings, telegram etc., At that time social people gets communication and information via media.

Development of media:
  • One of the media well developed was postal service and later telegram.
  • Later so many upgrades like postal service to Telephone to Radio to TV to computer and internet.
  • When computers and internet arrived there tends to the development of Apps and sites. 

Development of social media:

  • At the end of 90s one man got idea of connecting social with media in single app(till that media apps only existed) and developed an app. In that app one account holder can friend , message and share their photos with another account holder in that same app. It was very successful at that time because it is convenient and very useful for communication. 
  • At early 20s another app was introduced known as LinkedIn (still now it's worth it), in this app employees and employers were easily communicated and many got job opportunities.
  • Then at 2002 you all know that Mark Zuckerberg developed an app only for Harvard students(MySpace), Later he launched all over the world in 2004 by the name 'The facebook'.
  • Then so many successful social media apps were launched such as Flickr, Twitter, Tumblr, Spotify, Pinterest, Instagram, etc.,

   First of all social media was developed in motive of service and conveniency but later so many apps arrived and become motive of business because of competition. When the competition arrived between apps they all become money minded . Why money minded cz it's the future and so many investments arrived so they started evolving by posting ads.
They advertise and earn we use the service and its free so equally maintained.


  Social media is more than a billion dollar business, So what all the apps run for is to engage the people (you and me) in their own app. For this case so many engineers were hired . If they engage us more virtually than we spending our time realistically then they'll earn so much amount of money.
So now they all collecting our data in name of features and check-ins and there by they provide their services uniquely for everyone.
  For example, In media all the informations are same for every people, but in social media your YouTube video suggestion  is different from mine. Because your data and my data are uniquely collected.

  It is a good upgrade of social media that everyone is uniquely served but the fact is our data is somewhere selled to add company. And some more social media apps sell it in dark web.

A very short question for you,
 If Someone creates a fake account and there by you share your personal details, private photos with them believing real person and if they use for something like blackmailing, posting publically or by sharing to others. 
Then how do you react ? 
You complaint and take actions legally or illegally.

Likewise, The social media apps collecting all our data in the name of features like our profile picture, location, Age , Qualification, Study or work place, Hobbies our likes and dislikes, interest and our friends also.

Now, the conclusion is not to quit social media !
Because social media is the way that connects us , it's essential nowadays.

But the dominance can be overcomed, 
How it works, You go for a social media for searching something or relaxing but after 1 hour in social media it feels like 5 mins because it keeps you engaged. 
So entertainment purpose should be reduced.
A survey say that the social media usage only for entertainment is mostly seen at the age group of 18-24 , It's really a worst thing.
All the social media apps are keeping us addicted by entertaining us. Speaking addiction check out my topic on addiction, Overcoming addiction is easy!
Now! you may say that entertainment is a good choice, but the entertainment purpose is a waste of time.

Tips to know that you are using social media only for entertainment;

1) Go to Settings > scroll down and open Digital wellbeing and parental controls > There you see your usage details, Lets assume normal usage of mobile is 7 hours (Cz sleeping itself 7-8 hrs), What's your usage time . If exceeding 7hours/day then you're wasting time. And another way is by seeing down the apps time limit, if social media app exceeding 1.30 hours/day then you're wasting your precious time.
2) Go to YouTube / Browser (chrome) > Go to history and see last 30 search history or videos , now you analyse into two categories in that 30 videos or searches . How many are entertainment and how many are useful (educational) . If entertainment is exceeding 15 then you're wasting your time.

Let's be Entertainment free (by falling for video suggessions at social media.)
Use your time learning so many things at this period.

That's all, Simple!
Be creative!
Spread Love,
Stayyyyyyy blessed,
Peace :-*

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