Temple in you (Target of humanity)
Target of humanity,
Let's see the target of Humanity simply by 3 questions.
1) What is the main difference between humans and all other living things?
Easy to answer, it is the sixth sense.
The sixth sense is not like the other five senses (hearing, sight, taste, smell, touch). This is a unique sense called “being rational”. Rationalism made human beings aware of good and evil. Some did good, some did bad.
2) What is the common goal of the common man?
Most common people want to live a quiet life saying, "I do good, so good will happen to me.". You may ask now about those who misbehave and persons in prison, but who knows their situation. Almost everyone wants a quiet, peaceful and loving life.
Conclusion for the first two questions before moving on to the next question,
Humans (mostly) try to live a quiet life by doing good things.
3) Imaginary comparative question:
Compare yourself to a temple (not religious). There are many places in the temple, now compare your body with the temple (your body parts = temple places). We generally know that all the places in the temple are kept clean and kept sacred.
Are you pure and holy by comparing the temple with humans(you) ?. Are your body parts clean? Not externally by such baths and stuff. It’s deep things like inner human parts. For example: Is your tongue clean without bad words? Is your mind clean with good thoughts, and Is your lungs clean without smoking? Is your hands, heart, eyes, etc., clean without any bad influence? This is the third question. I believe that the goal of humanity is achieved by getting this answer. Just ask yourself for every body parts by self analysis(DIY).
That is all my friend, I request you not to deviate from the basic goal of humanity now. Because the words of purananuru says,
"தீதும் நன்றும் பிறர்தர வாரா"
Proverbs 12:14
From the fruit of their lips people are filled with good things, and the work of their hands brings them reward.
James 1:14
but each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed.
So dear friend Keep your Temple clean !
One life, Much Love ,
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